
Loggers voices were heard once again in Washington, DC as a representative for the American Loggers Council (ALC) testified at the February 26 House Natural Resources Public Lands and Environmental Regulation Subcommittee hearing on “State Forest Management: a Model for Promoting Healthy Forests, Rural Schools and Jobs.”

Wisconsin logger Matt Jensen met with members of the committee to discuss differences in efficiencies and bureaucracy that exists between Federal, State and local government timber sale programs.

Mr. Jensen’s testimony included comments comparing the State Timber Sale program in Wisconsin as opposed to dealing with the federal timber sale program on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest in Wisconsin and the effectiveness of both programs in establishing healthy forests and creating jobs in his home state.

When questioned about the efficiencies of the Federal Timber Sale program to the State program, Matt responded that there was no comparison between the two in that State sales were much more reliable and returned more value per acre to the forest than the federal timber sale program.

From The American Loggers Council: https://www.americanloggers.org/