
Plans by the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service to lease 43,000 acres of the Talladega National Forest for oil and gas development have people in surrounding counties voicing their opposition.

Heflin is one community where some people are frightened about hydraulic fracturing or “fracking.”

The Southern Environmental Law Center issued notice of intent to sue the Bureau of Land Management and the National Forest Service under the Endangered Species Act.  Keith Johnston with the SELC says they are concerned about the lack of specific information about how interested companies would access the oil and gas reserves under the forest land.

The Bureau of Land Management announced last month the auction plans were put on hold to allow more time for public comment. Plans to lease land in the Talladega National Forest for oil and gas development may be on hold right now, but hold is not good enough for the mayor of Heflin. Anna Berry says any chance that the city’s water supply could be affected is not worth taking.

From CBS 42 News: https://www.cbs42.com/content/localnews/story/Fracking-debate-reaches-Alabama-with-forest/YWljqeiVTUifL-lR6yNGlg.cspx?rss=1659