
Team Safe Trucking Launches PSA




Team Safe Trucking (TST) is excited to announce the release of their new Public Service Announcement. This PSA will be broadcast across the United States pointed specifically at the general driving public in order to improve their interactions with log trucks, and other heavy rigs on the road. Working together with the Virginia Loggers Association to produce this timely PSA, TST hopes to have an impact on how people drive around log trucks by sharing valuable steps they can take to improve their level of safe interactions with them.

The TST Public Service Announcement’s message is a simple one, log trucks require a cushion of space around them to operate safely. The general public needs to be informed that large trucks hauling cargo can require up to a football field’s length of distance to stop. Cutting out quickly in front of a truck hauling thousands of pounds of cargo can immediately create an unsafe situation for the motorist, and for the Forestry Transportation professional.

Through this PSA, Team Safe Trucking hopes to raise the general public’s awareness that they play an important role in improving the safety around tractor trailers, and can help to reduce the number of accidents involving trucks each year. By utilizing the safety tips shared in this PSA, motorists can play a part in creating a safer environment for log haulers to deliver the forest products that consumers enjoy every day.

Team Safe Trucking will be making this PSA available to all Educational Sponsors of Team Safe Trucking, as well as all logger associations across the United States. Logging organizations can help by contacting their state television stations to ask them to air Team Safe Trucking’s PSA by placing it in their PSA rotation list. Educational Sponsors will receive the PSA.

For more information visit teamsafetrucking.com.

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