
The unlikely heroes in healing the great pine forest of Central Texas are seeds that no one wanted.

The Texas A&M Forest Service was making plans to dump more than a half-ton of loblolly pine seeds into a landfill when the most destructive wildfire in state history began its deadly march through the Lost Pines in Bastrop County last year.

Now the seeds will be used in a massive, multiyear effort to restore the fabled forest, the westernmost stand of loblolly pines in the United States.

The fire burned so hot that it claimed not only 50 square miles of pines but their seeds, making it impossible for the trees to return without help.

To restore the Lost Pines, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and state forest service intend to plant more than 4 million trees on public and private land during the next five years. The Arbor Day Foundation is trying to raise $4 million, or $1 per tree, for the recovery effort.

From My San Antonio: https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local_news/article/Unwanted-seeds-could-save-badly-burned-Lost-Pines-4079053.php